

PHP 8.1现已推出,它带来了新的特性和性能改进——最令人向往的是新的JIT编译器。于2021年11月25日推出。
我们将详细演示PHP 8.1提供的10大特性,以便您可以开始在项目中使用它们,并改善您的PHP体验。初学者和有经验的开发人员可以从这篇文章中受益。


8.1 提供的 10 大功能

  1. 枚举
  2. Fiber(纤维)
  3. never 返回类型
  4. readonly 属性
  5. final 类常量
  6. 新的 array_is_list() 函数
  7. 新的 fsync()fdatasync() 函数
  8. 对字符串键数组解包的支持
  9. $_FILES 新的用于目录上传的 full_path
  10. 新的 IntlDatePatternGenerator

1. 枚举

PHP 8.1 添加了对枚举的支持,简写为 enum 。它是一种逐项类型,包含固定数量的可能值。请参阅以下代码片段以了解如何使用枚举。



 * Declare an enumeration.
 * It can also contain an optional 'string' or 'int' value. This is called backed Enum.
 * Backed enums (if used) should match the following criteria:
 * - Declare the scalar type, whether string or int, in the Enum declaration.
 * - All cases have values.
 * - All cases contain the same scalar type, whether string or int.
 * - Each case has a unique value.
enum UserRole: string
    case ADMIN    = '1';
    case GUEST    = '2';
    case WRITER   = '3';
    case EDITOR   = '4';


 * You can access a case by using
 * the '::' scope resolution operator.
 * And, to get the name of the enum case, you
 * can use the '->' followed by the attribute 'name'.
echo UserRole::WRITER->name;


 * To get the value of the enum case, you can
 * use the '->' followed by the attribute 'value'.
echo UserRole::WRITER->value;

2. Fiber(纤维)

PHP 8.1 添加了对 Fiber 的支持,这是一个低级组件,允许在 PHP 中执行并发代码。Fiber 是一个代码块,它包含自己的变量和状态堆栈。这些 Fiber 可以被视为应用程序线程,可以从主程序启动。
一旦启动,主程序将无法挂起或终止 Fiber。它只能从 Fiber 代码块内部暂停<或终止。在 Fiber 挂起后,控制权再次返回到主程序,它可以从挂起的点继续执行 Fiber。

Fiber 本身不允许同时执行多个 Fiber 或主线程和一个 Fiber。但是,对于 PHP 框架来说,高效管理执行堆栈并允许异步执行是一个巨大的优势。

请参阅以下代码片段以了解如何使用 Fiber



 * Initialize the Fiber.
$fiber = new Fiber(function (): void {
     * Print some message from inside the Fiber.
     * Before the Fiber gets suspended.
    echo "Welcome to Fiber!\n";
     * Suspend the Fiber.
     * Print some message from inside the Fiber.
     * After the Fiber gets resumed.
    echo "Welcome back to Fiber!\n";


 * Print a message before starting a Fiber.
echo "Starting a Fiber\n";
 * Start the Fiber.
 * Fiber has been suspened from the inside.
 * Print some message, and then resume the Fiber.
echo "Fiber has been suspended\n";
echo "Resuming the Fiber\n";
 * Resume the Fiber.
 * End of the example.
echo "Fiber completed execution\n";

3. never 返回类型

PHP 8.1 添加了名为 never 的返回类型。该 never 类型可用于指示函数将在执行一组指定的任务后终止程序执行。这可以通过抛出异常、调用 exit()die() 函数来完成。

never 返回类型类似于 void 返回类型。但是,void 返回类型在函数完成一组指定的任务后继续执行。

请参阅以下代码片段以了解如何使用 never 返回类型



 * Route Class
class Route


     * Constructor of the class
     * @return void
    public function __construct()


     * Redirect To a Page
     * This function redirects to an URL specified by the user.
     * @method redirect()
     * @param string $url
     * @param integer $httpCode
     * @author Tara Prasad Routray <>
     * @access public
     * @return never
    public static function redirect($url, $httpCode = 301): never
         * Redirect to the URL specified.
        header("Location: {$url}", true, $httpCode);



4. readonly 属性

PHP 8.1 添加了名为 readonly 的类属性。已声明为只读的类属性只能初始化一次。里面设置的值不能改变。如果尝试强行更新该值,应用程序将抛出错误。请参阅以下代码片段以了解如何使用只读属性。



 * User Class
class User
     * Declare a variable with readonly property.
     * @var $authUserID
     * @access public
    public readonly int $authUserID;
     * Constructor of the class.
     * @param integer $userID
     * @return void
    public function __construct($userID)
         * Change the value of the property as specified.
         * Updating the value of readonly properties are
         * allowed only through the constructor.
        $this->authUserID = $userID;
     * Update Auth User ID
     * This function tries to update the readonly property (which is not allowed).
     * @method updateAuthUserID()
     * @param integer $userID
     * @author Tara Prasad Routray <>
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function updateAuthUserID($userID)
         * Change the value of the property as specified.
         * Executing this function will throw the following error;
         * PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Cannot modify readonly property User::$authUserID
        $this->authUserID = $userID;
 * Initialize the class and update the value of the readonly property.
$user = new User(30);
 * Print the readonly property value.
 * This will print 30.
echo $user->authUserID;
 * Call another function inside the class and try to update the class property.
 * Print the readonly property value.
echo $user->authUserID;

5. final 类常量

PHP 8.1 添加了对名为 final 的类常量的支持。最终类常量不能被修改,即使是通过继承,这意味着它们不能被子类扩展或覆盖。

这个标志不能用于私有常量,因为它不能在类之外被访问。声明 final 和 private 常量将导致致命错误。




 * UserRole Class
class UserRole
     * Declare a final class constant with a value.
    final public const ADMIN = '1';


 * User Class extending the UserRole Class
class User extends UserRole
     * Declare another constant with the same name
     * as of the parent class to override the value.
     * Note: Overriding the value will throw the following error:
     * PHP Fatal error:  User::ADMIN cannot override final constant UserRole::ADMIN
    public const ADMIN = '2';

6. 新的 array_is_list() 函数

PHP 8.1 添加了名为 array_is_list() 的数组函数。它标识指定的数组是否具有从 0 开始的所有连续整数。如果数组是值的语义列表(一个数组,其键从 0 开始,都是整数,并且之间没有间隙),则此函数返回 true。对于空数组,它也返回 true。请参阅以下代码片段以了解如何使用 array_is_list () 函数。



 * Returns true for empty array.
 * Returns true for sequential set of keys.
array_is_list([1, 2, 3]);
 * Returns true as the first key is zero, and keys are in sequential order.
 * It is same as [0 => 'apple', 1 => 2, 2 => 3]
array_is_list(['apple', 2, 3]);
 * Returns true as the first key is zero, and keys are in sequential order.
 * It is same as [0 => 'apple', 1 => 'scissor']
array_is_list(['apple', 'orange']);
 * Returns true as the first key is zero, and keys are in sequential order.
 * It is same as [0 => 'apple', 1 => 'scissor']
array_is_list([0 => 'apple', 'orange']);
 * Returns true as the first key is zero, and keys are in sequential order.
array_is_list([0 => 'rock', 1 => 'scissor']);

键不是从 0 开始的数组,或者键不是整数,或者键是整数但不按顺序出现的数组将评估为 false。



 * Returns false as the first key does not start from zero.
array_is_list([1 => 'apple', 'orange']);
 * Returns false as the first key does not start from zero.
array_is_list([1 => 'apple', 0 => 'orange']);
 * Returns false as all keys are not integer.
array_is_list([0 => 'apple', 'fruit' => 'orange']);
 * Returns false as the keys are not in sequential order.
array_is_list([0 => 'apple', 2 => 'orange']);

7. 新的 fsync()fdatasync() 函数

PHP 8.1 添加了对 fsync()fdatasync() 函数的支持。两者都与现有 fflush() 函数有相似之处,该函数当前用于将缓冲区刷新到操作系统中。
然而,fsync()fdatasync() 刷新该缓冲区到物理存储。它们之间的唯一区别是该 fsync() 函数在同步文件更改时包含元数据,而该 fdatasync() 函数不包含元数据。

fsync() 函数将采用文件指针并尝试将更改提交到磁盘。成功时返回 true,失败时返回 false,如果资源不是文件,则会发出警告。fdatasync() 函数的工作方式相同,但速度稍快一些,因为 fsync () 将尝试完全同步文件的数据更改和有关文件的元数据(上次修改时间等),这在技术上是两次磁盘写入。

请参阅以下代码片段以了解如何使用 fsync () 和 fdatasync () 函数。



 * Declare a variable and assign a filename.
$fileName = 'notes.txt';
 * Create the file with read and write permission.
$file = fopen($fileName, 'w+');
 * Add some text into the file.
fwrite($file, 'Paragraph 1');
 * Add a line break into the file.
fwrite($file, "\r\n");
 * Add some more text into the file.
fwrite($file, 'Paragraph 2');
 * You can use both the fsync() or fdatasync() functions 
 * to commit changs to disk.
fsync($file); // or fdatasync($file).
 * Close the open file pointer.

8. 对字符串键数组解包的支持

PHP 8.1 添加了对字符串键数组解包的支持。为了解压数组,PHP 使用展开 (…) 运算符。PHP 7.4 中引入了这个运算符来合并两个或多个数组,但语法更简洁。但在 PHP 8.1 之前,展开运算符仅支持带数字键的数组。请参阅以下代码片以了解如何将展开运算符用于字符串键控数组。



 * Declare an array
$fruits1 = ['Jonathan Apples', 'Sapote'];
 * Declare another array
$fruits2 = ['Pomelo', 'Jackfruit'];
 * Merge above two arrays using array unpacking.
$unpackedFruits = [...$fruits1, ...$fruits2, ...['Red Delicious']];
 * Print the above unpacked array.
 * This will print:
 * array(5) {
 * [0]=>
 * string(15) "Jonathan Apples"
 * [1]=>
 * string(6) "Sapote"
 * [2]=>
 * string(6) "Pomelo"
 * [3]=>
 * string(9) "Jackfruit"
 * [4]=>
 * string(13) "Red Delicious"
 * }

9. $_FILES 新的用于目录上传的 full_path 键

PHP 8.1 添加了对 $_FILES 全局变量中 full_path 新键的支持。在 PHP 8.1 之前,$_FILES 没有存储到服务器的相对路径或确切目录。因此,您无法使用 HTML 文件上传表单上传整个目录。
full_path 键解决了这个问题。它存储相对路径并在服务器上重建确切的目录结构,使目录上传成为可能。请参阅以下代码片段以了解如何将 full_path 键与 $_FILES 全局变量一起使用。



 * Check if the user has submitted the form.
     * Print the $_FILES global variable. This will display the following:
     * array(1) {
     * ["myfiles"]=> array(6) {
     * ["name"]=> array(2) {
     * [0]=> string(9) "image.png"
     * [1]=> string(9) "image.png"
     * }
     * ["full_path"]=> array(2) {
     * [0]=> string(25) "folder1/folder2/image.png"
     * [1]=> string(25) "folder3/folder4/image.png"
     * }
     * ["tmp_name"]=> array(2) {
     * [0]=> string(14) "/tmp/phpV1J3EM"
     * [1]=> string(14) "/tmp/phpzBmAkT"
     * }
     * // ... + error, type, size
     * }
     * }


<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input name="myfiles[]" type="file" webkitdirectory multiple />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

10. 新的 IntlDatePatternGenerator

PHP 8.1 添加了对新 IntlDatePatternGenerator 类的支持。在 PHP 8.1 之前,只能使用 IntlDateFormatter 。虽然它支持昨天、今天和明天使用的八种预定义格式,但是这些格式和 IntlDatePatternGenerator 不太一样。
这个类允许指定日期、月份和时间的格式,并且顺序将由类自动处理。请参阅以下代码片段以了解如何使用 IntlDatePatternGenerator 类。



 * Define a default date format.
$skeleton = "YYYY-MM-dd";
 * Parse a time string (for today) according to a specified format.
$today = \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', date('Y-m-d'));
 * ===========================
 * ===========================
 * Initiate an instance for the IntlDatePatternGenerator class
 * and provide the locale information.
 * In the below example, I've used locale: en_US.
$intlDatePatternGenerator = new \IntlDatePatternGenerator("en_US");
 * Get the correct date format for the locale: en_US.
 * Following function "getBestPattern" will return:
 * MM/dd/YYYY
$enUSDatePattern = $intlDatePatternGenerator->getBestPattern($skeleton);
 * Use the "formatObject" function of IntlDateFormatter to print as per specified pattern.
 * This will print the following:
 * Date in en-US: 12/03/2021
echo "Date in en-US: " . \IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($today, $enUSDatePattern, "en_US") . "\n";


 * =============================
 * =============================
 * Initiate an instance for the IntlDatePatternGenerator class
 * and provide the locale information.
 * In the below example, I've used locale: en_IN.
$intlDatePatternGenerator = new \IntlDatePatternGenerator("en_IN");
 * Get the correct date format for the locale: en_IN.
 * Following function "getBestPattern" will return:
 * dd/MM/YYYY
$enINDatePattern = $intlDatePatternGenerator->getBestPattern($skeleton);
 * Use the "formatObject" function of IntlDateFormatter to print as per specified pattern.
 * This will print the following:
 * Date in en-IN: 03/12/2021
echo "Date in en-IN: " . \IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($today, $enINDatePattern, "en_IN") . "\n";
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